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Who’s Missing From Your Christmas List?

Hey you! Yes, you. You’ve made your list, and checked it twice. You wanted to make sure that you didn’t leave anyone off of it. You’ve online shopped and ran from store to store to ensure that you picked out the perfect presents for your family and friends. Your bank account is depleted, and you’re now exhausted; yet, you still feel like you’re forgetting someone. You can’t put your finger on who it is, and you’ve racked your brain trying to figure it out; but, you still can’t seem to find the answer. If you read a little further, I think I may be able to help you find it.

Since January 1, 2022, you’ve been planning for this Christmas in someway. You started working overtime, so you could save extra money. Throughout the year, you’ve picked up little trinkets because you know that a special someone would like them. You sacrificed your day of thanks to catch the early Black Friday deals. You’ve planned the parties or dinners, bought the matching pajamas, and made the travel arrangements; however, you still feel like you’re forgetting someone.

The answer is flashing in your face as bright as Rudolph’s shiny nose; nevertheless, you still don’t see it. You forgot to put YOU on your list. Yes, this is the season of giving, but you cannot give what you don’t have. It’s time to add yourself to your Christmas list. Whether you buy yourself a tangible item or gift yourself something money cannot buy, it’s time to present yourself with presents.

As this holiday season comes to an end, I pray that you reassess your list, and find yourself at the top of it. Don’t allow taking care of yourself to become an afterthought and find yourself left with the leftovers. It’s okay to put you at the forefront of your mind. Give to yourself, then allow your generosity to extend to others from a full cup. Happy Holiday’s my J-Bugs!

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1 Kommentar

17. Dez. 2022

This is a great reminder, especially during this holiday season! Great and relevant article!

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