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Whew Chile, Where Is The Discipline?

Hey you! Yes, you. You’ve prayed and prayed for God to allow your dream to come true. You’ve set goals in order to help see that dream come to fruition. You’ve made a checklist of everything you need to do in order to prepare for the dream. You’ve told so many people your vision. You even went as far as getting the LLC for the business. Even after all of that, you’re still left wondering why it hasn’t flourished yet. You’ve become frustrated with God because you don’t understand why He is delaying your blessing. But, have you stopped and asked yourself, “Where is my discipline?”

The word discipline has several definitions; however, my personal favorite is, “Behavior in accord with rules of conduct; behavior and order maintained by training and control.” When we think of discipline as it pertains to our dreams becoming reality, we must be willing to act in accordance with what we want to come to past. We cannot devote an hour to our dream one day, and not come back to it for another week. We must train ourselves to put in the work daily. We must be willing to schedule the appropriate amount of time, do research, and be intentional when it comes to our dream. I know with the busyness of life that this can be extremely challenging to do at times. A good friend told me, “If you just devote 30 minutes a day to your brand, you will see the difference it makes.” Being totally transparent, when she first told me this, I thought to myself, “When will I find the time?” I quickly realized that I easily spend more than 30 minutes scrolling through social media, so I can spend that time on my brand. It all reverts back to self-control, establishing discipline, and being intentional. Our dream has to become a priority and not just something we do when we have time.

If you’ve found yourself staring down the barrel of some hard truths as you read this concise yet poignant blog, I hope that it causes you to reflect and re-evaluate. The ability to dream is free, but achieving your dreams cost. You will have to make the necessary adjustments and sacrifices. You will have to become more disciplined. Most importantly, you must make sure that your dream is in alignment with God’s purpose for your life. God has placed purpose in all of us, but it is up to us to identify and cultivate it. It is time for us to live in and on purpose my J-Bugs. Now, let’s get to work!

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