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Whew Chile, It's A Process!

Hey you! Yes, you. You’re not reading this by mistake, it was given to me just for you.

If you’re like me, developing patience has been an ongoing life lesson. The overachiever that lives inside of me always wants things to happen instantaneously. If I’m being completely honest, it became frustrating when things didn’t happen when and how I wanted them to do so. At times, I desperately desired for life to be like an episode of I Dream of Jeannie. I would cross my arms, nod my head, blink my eyes, and the thing I desired would be in my possession. I soon discovered that the magic of tv is not how real life works.

I’m sure we’ve all heard the clichés: “It’s a process” or “Trust the process”. Often times, these proverbial phrases were told to us when others noticed our patience wearing thin with a particular situation. When given, they are offered in the spirit of encouragement, but most times not accepted in that same manner. Being completely transparent, when I was told this, it would anger me. I felt as though it was extremely insensitive because the give of this wisdom was not in my shoes (or wearing my high-heels), and they didn’t understand what I was going through for the high hills that I was stuck climbing.

For me, at the beginning of my process I found myself fearful. Fearful because I didn’t know how or why I was there. Coupled with that fear was frustration and anger. I was frustrated because I felt it should happen quicker, and angry because it shouldn’t be this hard. Then, I began to compare my progress or lack thereof to my peers. By this time, I was wondering was it even worth it anymore. If you find yourself in this same place now, please hear my heart.

There is so much beauty found in the process and a strength discovered there too. Please allow me to help you see it. The fear that I began with was traded in for faith. Faith that God is omniscient. He knows all, so He has me in this process for a reason. The frustration that was once there has now been replaced with gratitude. The trepidation has now been replaced with trust, realizing that in my weakness His strength is made perfect. I’m grateful that He used the process to slow me down and sometimes sit me down. If it wasn’t for that stillness, I would not have been able to receive the many revelations revealed throughout the process. In the place of anger, He has given me His peace that surpasses all understanding. So even when it feels like it’s too hard to face, my spirit is at peace because I know He is there. I took away the power of the thief of comparison, when I realize that God has graced me for the journey that I’m walking, and no one else’s.

Arriving at this level of acceptance has not happened over night, and I still have my moments. Whew Chile, it has been a process; nevertheless. it’s a process that I wouldn’t change for the world. The woman that I’m becoming is one of whom I’m extremely proud. The process has allowed me to find as well as live in my purpose. I truly feel that my life is Romans 8:28 personified. It is my greatest hope that you leave this blog knowing that life is a process and that you must trust it.

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