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What Will 2022 Be For You?

Hey you! Yes, you! What will 2022 be for you? Before you hastily answer the question, pause for a moment. You’re probably thinking, “I can’t predict the future, so how can I know what it will be?” Of course, I know that you’re not omniscient and you don’t exactly know what the future holds; however, you do have the power to manifest the future that you desire.

As we embark upon the last few days of 2021, I want you to honestly reflect on this past year. Take a moment to recall your wins, losses, heartbreaks, setbacks, and growth. Not only recall them, but earnestly examine them. Remember the lessons that they’ve each taught you as well as the emotions attached to them. Now, use those same lessons to help you move forward into this next year.

Take the time to truly pray and plan for 2022. Be completely candid with yourself about the direction in which you want your life to go. Honor yourself and your feelings. Don’t just stop at writing goals. Take it a step further by writing the plans to help you achieve them. Most importantly, be in tune to God’s voice and make room for Him in your planning.

Now that you have some direction, I need you to ask yourself the question, “What will 2022 be for me?”. Frankly, this a question that no one can answer for you. You must truly search within to know what you want. Once you know, you must be willing to do the work to manifest it!

It is my hope that this blog provokes you to take a retrospective view on what has you where you are and more importantly an introspective look at where you want your life to be in this next year as well as what it will take daily for you to get there My greatest desire is to see you become the best version of yourself, while manifesting the life that you desire. I pray that you have a productive, safe, and Happy New Year my J Bugs! 💜

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Rosalind Scott
Rosalind Scott
Dec 30, 2021

Amen !! Thank you so much for the encouraging words!!! Be blessed

Janay Edmonds
Janay Edmonds
Dec 31, 2021
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You’re welcome! Thanks for your constant support! 💜

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