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Unraveling To Become!

Hey you! Yes, you. Have you ever felt like you were unraveling? It feels like everything is spiraling out of control, and you can’t seem to make it stop. No matter how hard you try, things seem to be slipping out your grasp and your grip. May I submit to you that you are indeed unraveling, and that it is okay. The word unravel has several definitions, but we will discuss two of the most poignant ones. The first definition of unraveling is: to separate or disentangle. The second definition is: to free from complication or difficulty; make plain or clear; solve. When we as individuals unravel, we should separate and disentangle ourselves from old thought processes, patterns, behaviors, and actions that no longer serve us. We should strive, everyday, to take another step in the evolution or “becoming” process. Our desire should be greater than remaining the same as we are. This principle is even biblical. 1 Corinthians 13:11 says, “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” As we grow, not only in stature, but in maturity, we should strive to put away childish things. In addition, we should want lives that are free from complication and avoidable difficulties. In order to achieve this, we may have to allow some relationships, friendships, and business opportunities to unravel. Often times, these situations and circumstances act as unnecessary baggage that only weigh us down. In order to become who we were created to be, we cannot be weighed down. The only way that we can soar is to be light! Furthermore, we must make our lives plain and clear. We must strip away any facades and free ourselves from the false narratives. We must live our lives as authentically and transparently as possible. Lastly, in order to solve things, we must unravel. We have to breakdown each aspect of our lives and make it clear and plain. This doesn’t mean that our lives will no longer be nuanced or that our quirks will disappear. It simply means that we will live in the freedom of the ebbs and flows of our life. We won’t try to make it perfect, neat, or all tied up with a bow. Rather, we will give ourselves permission to just be, in all areas and at all times. As you’ve read my simple words, penned to paper, I hope that it highlighted some areas in your life that you can unravel. If you feel yourself beginning to unravel, I pray that you trust the process. Allow yourself to unravel, in a safe space, so that you can become. I can personally testify that I allowed myself to unravel, and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I now get to live in the freedom of my authenticity and be exactly who God created me to be. My simple prayer for you today is that you unravel to become! I love you my J-Bugs!

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