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The Sacrifices Of A Woman!

Hey you! Yes, you. Have you ever stopped, and truly thought about the sacrifices that women make. From sacrificing their bodies to bring forth life, to sacrificing themselves in the nurture of that same life. The sacrifices of a woman know no bounds, but maybe it should.

As a young woman, I have excellent examples of strong, black women in my life. I’ve seen how they’ve sacrificed themselves time and time again. I’ve seen how they almost lose their identity and sadly themselves to be who and what their family needs. I’ve seen how they carry the weight of the world on their shoulders, while still being plagued with the elevated expectations to be classy and poised. I’ve seen the crushing heartbreaks and the painful heartaches that they carry in their wombs. I’ve seen how they’ve bounced back from the bounds of depression and shifted the culture, and even greater, the world. I’ve seen the sheer tenacity that it takes to be woman.

While being a woman inspires me, it also scares me. I often think, will I be one-fourth of the woman that my ancestors were? Are those who’ve gone on before me proud of the way I’m carrying on their legacy? More importantly, are the women in my village proud of the girl for whom they made oh so many sacrifices for? In the midst of those overwhelming thoughts, a small voice reminded me that those same women were once me. They saw the sacrifices of the generation before them and were inspired, yet scared. They sat and wondered if they were walking as well as working out this thing called womanhood in an honorable way.

After that revelation, I became less scared and more inspired. Inspired to be like the women who made the sacrifices for me. Inspired to carry on the legacy of Eula, Clara, and Carolyn. Inspired to make Jeanie, Valerie, Stephanie, Melanie and all the other women in my village proud. Inspired to leave a legacy for Noelle, Nia, and Norie to continue. I’m forever cognizant of the sacrifices of a woman. I vow, everyday, to never allow their sacrifices to be in vain, and to carry the torch of inspiring the next generation.

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