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The Journey Back To Me!

Hey you! Yes, you! I know you’re probably thinking wait girl. Not hey to us, but hey to you. Where have you been? This is a very fair question. I know we haven’t had any intimate “Hey you” moments in a while. So much so, that I almost named this blog, “Whew Chile, It’s Been A While!” Nevertheless, God led me in a different direction. As you follow me through this blog, I think that you will clearly understand and deeply appreciate why it’s been a while.

Through the many ebbs and flows of life, it’s so easy to get caught up and lost in the sauce. As much as I am rooted in purpose and love you all—I strive to express it in actions by continually pouring out of myself—such encouragement of others had become so draining. Earlier this year, life had begun to overwhelm me because I tried to juggle working a full time job, being a full time student, building a brand, living in purpose and managing my health. It proved to be a balancing act that was just too heavy. In this moment, God sent a really special person to remind me that I cannot do it all. Yes, I need encouragement and reminders too. I’m forever grateful to her for that wake up call. She saw in me what I couldn’t see in myself, which is why having the correct people in your circle is so extremely important. In that very moment, she told me something had to go for a little while. She told me that I needed a break from something, and it was probably JWJ. Of course, I immediately said that I couldn’t give up JWJ. She told me, “Janay, you’re not giving it up forever, but it is okay to take a break.” Her words immediately brought me back to my first blog, and without hesitation, I said that I would be going on a spiritual maintenance. If I’m being totally transparent, this spiritual maintenance was just a cute name for taking a break. Little did I know, God was sitting me down so He could impart wisdom into me as well as equip me with the necessary tools to make some life changing decisions. So here are a few key turning points that I would like to share with you.

Spiritual Maintenance — of or relating to the spirit or soul, as distinguished from the physical nature/ means of upkeep, support, or subsistence;

For the eight weeks that I didn’t post on social media, and the seven months that I didn’t blog, I have been doing exactly what the aforementioned definition describes. I’ve had moments of tranquility, rest, reflection, support, revelation, freedom, fun, rejuvenation, and most importantly, a moment to have my spirit fed.

I’ve learned that HERE IS HOLY, and I cannot rush past here to get to there. There is beauty in the moment of here and, equally as important, lessons to be learned. I will no longer hate it here, but I will love it here because God is here, which means HERE IS HOLY!!! I have also discovered that I am planted and not buried. Even though it’s dark and I may feel like I’m buried, I’m not. God is developing roots deep within me. Though not evident to the natural eye due to it occurring under the surface, these roots will establish a very visible and tangible foundation that I need to carry me through the rest of my life.

I’ve also discovered that every part of my journey doesn’t have to be captured or time stamped for the world to see. As long as I am seeing God and He is guiding me, I AM operating in purpose. Operating in purpose will not look the same aesthetically in every season, but it doesn’t diminish the fact that I’m still moving in the direction for which I was called.

The most gratifying thing that has came out of this spiritual maintenance is my ability to hear God’s voice more distinctly. I have the advantage of the Holy Spirit, and His voice is no longer muffled. Through His voice, instruction, and confirmation, I was able to finally make a decision to switch my major to Health Sciences. It was a decision that I struggled with for over a year, but my calling to a career in Healthcare made the choice a lot easier, or so I thought.

After spending more time with God, He shifted something in me. I began to assess the calling on my life as well as my level of trust in Him. I realized that I was trying my hardest to get a degree for a profession, but it was actually suffocating me. The all-too-familiar balancing act came back into play after a few months when it all became too much again. This time, my health began to suffer because of it. There was a moment when I had to remember that Jireh is enough. With or without a degree, I profess: “God is my source, and He will provide!” For someone who is a planner and a people pleaser, it was hard to let go of the ideal of having multiple degrees. Not to say that I won’t every attempt again when the time is right, but as for now, I’m operating in purpose and fulfilling the plan that God has set out for me.

Oh God, I thank you for this time! My J Bugs, thank you for being patient with me during this time. I pray that this blog sparks something in you. My prayer for you is simple: If you’re not in true alignment with God and yourself that you find your way back there to Him. Don’t allow fear, the judgment of others, or even yourself to hold you back. God will never lead you wrong, and He will always be enough! Journeying With Janay is officially back and better! I cannot wait to continue to share my journey with y’all! I love you all my J Bugs! 💜

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