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Necessary Preparations!

Hey you! Yes, you! Are you aspiring to ascertain a certain lifestyle? Well, have you made the necessary preparations to achieve and maintain it? Such standard of living goes far beyond just speaking and claiming it. The necessary preparations entails several further steps.

Most think that the first step is writing goals, which it is. It’s perfectly appropriate to set goals for yourself and make a plan to achieve them; yet, have you truly prepared for it? If you’re thinking that making a plan is the only preparation that’s needed, I’m sorry to tell you that you’re mistaken. In order to not only achieve but also maintain your aspired lifestyle, your preparations must go beyond just writing a plan. You now have to activate that plan.

One of the vital parts of activating the plan is preparing mentally. You must set a routine based upon what you want to achieve, which may include getting up earlier, doing more self-work, and most importantly, doing the tasks that you would be doing as if the dream is already achieved. By practicing this daily, it allows your mindset to align with your dreams.

Next, you must allow God to prepare your attitude, which in turn will prepare your reactions. The saying, “Old keys won’t unlock new doors,” is definitely true here. Normally, when we are faced with certain uncomfortable situations, it is to test our attitudes and reactions. Without God first seeing how we handle the little tests, then how can we show Him that He trusts us with something bigger. Remember, at every new level, there is a new devil.

The last and most critical is preparing your faith. Faith is a muscle that must be exercised daily. In order to exercise it, we have to develop a true relationship with God. Without knowing His word, we cannot know Him; and without knowing Him, we will not recognize His voice. Without the aforementioned formula, we have no established trust, and thus no relationship with God. It is impossible to have any relationship without trust, as it is the foundation that relationships are built on. Having faith is saying, “God, I trust you through whatever.” If your faith in God is shaky, it is time to prepare your faith for the next level.

After reading what I’ve deemed as the “necessary preparations”, you’re probably wondering how am I qualified to outline said preparations? Well, the years of 2013-2021 was my time of “necessary preparations”. I decreed and declared the lifestyle I wanted to live. I said that I didn’t want to live in mediocrity and that God would shift things; however, what I didn’t know was that God had to prepare me first. All of the aforementioned “necessary preparations” are summations of what I’ve been through over the last 8 years. Hold on, hold on! Don’t get discouraged because my process has been 8 years in the making. My hope is that through you following my journey, something said will aid you in your own “necessary preparations” process, and it won’t take as long. Nevertheless, my 8 years of life experience qualifies me to tell you to slow down and properly prepare. Everything may not be easy nor fun; nonetheless, all will be worth it! Happy preparing my J Bugs! 💜

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Jan 10, 2022

This statement is so very true…. “Without God first seeing how we handle the little tests, then how can we show Him that He trusts us with something bigger. Remember, at every new level, there is a new devil.” Good read♥️

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