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“In The Midst Of It All”

God, you’re supposed to be in the midst of it all, but I can’t seem to find you. People are suffering, hungry, broken, and dying. Where are you? You promised that it would all work together for my good, but all I see is bad. You promised that Your strength is made perfect in my weakness, but I

can’t see beyond my sorrow. You promised that nothing would separate us from Your love, but the attacks of the enemy seem far greater than Your love. Aren’t you supposed to be in the midst of it all?

God then replies, “My child, did I not carry you through the last trial you suffered? Did I not feed you the last time you were hungry? Did I not become the glue that held your broken pieces together? Most importantly, did I not promise you a home after death?”

My reply to God was, “Yes, you did, but I didn’t think it would be this way.”

His reply to me was, “My ways are not your ways, and my thoughts are not your thoughts. You’re challenging me on My word, but it is being fulfilled through you now.”

I replied, “God, I don’t understand what you mean.”

He said, “Let me break it down for you. All things are working together for your good. You just haven’t seen the final product yet. My strength is made perfect in your weakness, how do you think you’re still standing? Nothing has separated you from My love, are we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”

In that moment, God reminded me that He is truly in the midst of it all. I have nothing to worry about because He has me. It is my sincerest prayer that you too have this moment with God. Even when you can’t hear His voice or trace His hand, remember that He is ALWAYS in the midst of it all!

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