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Everyday Blessings!

Hey you! Yes, you! Have you been operating

from a place of complete gratitude lately? Before you quickly answer, “Yes”, take a moment to reflect, and be completely honest with yourself. If I’m being totally transparent, I have not been. It is so easy to get caught up in the mundane routines and frustrations of daily life that we begin to complain about the things for which we should be grateful. I know I’m definitely guilty of this and that I am not in it alone.

One of the simplest examples of us not operating from a place of gratitude is wishing our days away. At the start of a new week, we are all guilty of saying, “We can’t wait until it’s Friday!” Once Friday is here, our favorite acronym is said by almost every human being, “TGIF!” Yes, making it through a tough week is something to celebrate, but I challenge you to began to express gratitude for the “everyday blessings” and not just live for the weekends. If it’s difficult for you to recognize them, read a little further and allow me to point them out.

We ignore the beauty in the new beginnings of a Monday, because we want Friday to come! We negate Tuesday’s grace of another day, because we want Friday to come. We are oblivious to the many humps that have been made smooth on Wednesday, because we want Friday to come. We’re ungrateful for the enduring strength that has allowed us to overcome the trials of Thursday, because we want Friday to come. Just as the overwhelming joy exudes from our souls once Friday has come, so should the thankfulness we display for the days prior. The blessing of Friday coming is not afforded to everyone.

Although this is one small scenario, I hope that it has helped to paint a clearer picture on discovering our “everyday blessings”. Now, the challenge is for us to operate from a place of complete gratitude daily. Operating from this place will not be easy, but is necessary. I pray that your season of thankfulness doesn’t just last throughout this holiday weekend, but it becomes a lifestyle. It is only then that you can truly appreciate life and all that it has to offer. Thank you God for everyday blessings.

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