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A Setback, A Setup, & A Comeback!

Hey you! Yes, you. Have you experienced a setback lately? Whether it’s an injury, a car accident, a sickness, or a loss, setbacks can and will happen to us all.

As many of you already know, the first half of this year was extremely difficult for me. Going from being bedridden, to using a walker, then virtually back on me feet and getting my bearings back was a huge success. Last week, on my birthday at that, I was blindsided with another setback. My mom and I was involved in a car accident; and now, I’m back to being in excruciating pain. At first, I was frustrated and started to become depressed. It had become so easy to allow my setback to force me into giving up. I felt justified in retreating back into my cocoon to hide from the world and the setback itself. As I lay praying, God reminded me that this is just a setback, not the end of the world. Although my feelings are valid and justifiable, I couldn’t live in my cocoon forever. It’s bears noting that word choice matters here too—it was done unintentionally with an intentionally divine revelation—I said I was “in a cocoon” and not “hibernation” because hibernation denotes a long period of stagnant inactivity while a “cocoon” indicates a short time of transformation. Again, we cannot permanently stay in our setbacks. After all, cocoons are temporary dwelling places for us to undergo a change into something better.

God reminded me that a setback is simply meant to be something that sits us down, usually only for a brief but significant moment, for us to experience growth; and then; then we are meant to stand back up again. He told me that I shouldn’t build my home in the setback or get comfortable there. I knew I had to process this new disappointment, heal from it, regroup, and then come out swinging.

Furthermore, I discovered that some of our greatest setbacks are orchestrated by God Himself. Whether it’s to protect us from something, to prepare the blessing itself, or to test us, God will assign a setback. Often times when God orchestrates a setback, it is to give us an amazing comeback story.

So, I’m here to remind you that whatever you’re going through is just a setback. Take the time you need to process it and heal from it. Then, get up and get back to fulfilling your purpose. There’s purpose even in the setbacks. Ask God to show you what this setback is trying to teach you. I’m praying for your strength! Remember, it’s not a setback; it’s actually a setup for your comeback! I love you my J-Bugs!

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